Carey Mendes

THP-E185: What You Need To Know About HYLA. Also, Breaking News Out Of Australia As US Company Pulls The Plug On A Major Deal.

January 30, 2023 • Paul Rodden • Season: 2023 • Episode: 185 Listen Now: >Direct Link To The Hydrogen Podcast MP3< Listen On Your Favorite App: Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! In episode 185, Nikola announces their new Hyla brand and plug power pulls out of their deal with Fortescue Metals Group. All of this on … Read more

THP-E174: Are Water Issues On The Horizon For Electrolytic Hydrogen? Also, Plug And Nikola Are Joining Forces On A Monster Deal.

December 22, 2022 • Paul Rodden • Season: 2022 • Episode: 174 Listen Now: >Direct Link To The Hydrogen Podcast MP3< Listen On Your Favorite App: Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! In episode 174, Nikola and Plug Power joined forces to drive the energy economy forward. And let’s talk about water and how much we’ll … Read more