Natural hydrogen

THP-E325: Exxon & Air Liquide Deal Shakes Up H2 Industry. Also, Natural Hydrogen News You Don’t Want To Miss

Paul Rodden • Season: 2024 • Episode: 325 Listen Now: >Direct Link To The Hydrogen Podcast MP3< Listen On Your Favorite App: Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! In episode 325, ExxonMobil makes a massive announcement with Air Liquide and natural hydrogen development moves forward in Canada. I’ll go over this news and give my thoughts … Read more

THP-E24: Drilling Down On The Concept of Gold Hydrogen (Or Natural Hydrogen), Why Traditional Oil & Gas Companies Should Adopt It And Oh Yes… The Price Per Kilogram Will Shock You!

June 28, 2021 • Paul Rodden • Season: 2021 • Episode: 24 Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! In episode 024, What if we could drill for hydrogen like we drill for natural gas and oil? Today I’m going to talk about natural hydrogen, what it is, who’s drilling for it and who’s investing in it. … Read more