THP-E149: Will Europe Be Able To Keep H2 Investments In Europe?

September 19, 2022 • Paul Rodden • Season: 2022 • Episode: 149

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In episode 149, The EU makes a final decision on their additionally requirements. And Hyundai makes a prototype hydrogen fuel cell car that’s actually fun to drive all of this on today’s hydrogen podcast.

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Paul Rodden



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The EU makes a final decision on their additionality requirements. And Hyundai makes a prototype hydrogen fuel cell car that’s actually fun to drive all of this on today’s hydrogen podcast.

So the big questions in the energy industry today are, how is hydrogen the primary driving force behind the evolution of energy? Where is capital being deployed for hydrogen projects globally? And where are the best investment opportunities for early adopters who recognize the importance of hydrogen? I will address the critical issues and give you the information you need to deploy capital. Those are the questions that will unlock the potential of hydrogen and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Paul Rodden, and welcome to the hydrogen podcast.

In a follow up from a previous report, and an article in recharge Rachel Parkes writes scrapped EU’s controversial additionality rules for green hydrogen, our history after European Parliament vote, the European parliament has voted through a key amendment to the Renewable Energy directive to or read to scrapping additionality requirements at EU level and passed binding targets for renewable hydrogen and its derivatives in industry and transport. Under the new red two targets for renewable fuels of non biological origin, such as green hydrogen and green ammonia, are now set at 5.7% of all fuels by 2030, including 1.2% in maritime fuels. Furthermore, 50% of industrial fuel use will have to transition to RF in BeOS by 2030, rising to 75% by 2035. This will require nine to 10 million tonnes of green hydrogen. This according to trade body hydrogen Europe, Parliament waved through amendment 13 to the Red Two by just four votes, effectively scrapping the controversial delegated act that would have imposed EU wide additionality regulations requiring all renewable hydrogen producers to source electricity from dedicated green energy projects with grid sourced electricity allowed only when it can be offset with dedicated supply within the hour.

Instead, renewable hydrogen producers will now be allowed to source electricity from the grid, provided they can verify it as green electricity by securing power purchase agreements from renewable installations for the equivalent amount. The balance between PPA purchases and grid purchases would be accounted for on a quarterly basis until 2030. And thereafter on a monthly quarterly or annual basis as decided by the European Commission. Hydrogen Europe had lobbied hard in favor of the amendment arguing that the additionality rules, particularly the hourly component, would hold back the development of green hydrogen, with Europe risking a mass exodus to the US, especially in the wake of new US hydrogen tax credits that offer up up to $3 per kilogram of subsidies for green hydrogen. The passing of amendment 13 will ease the implementation of the additionality principle for renewable hydrogen MEPs have listened to the sector’s concerns that overly strict regulations would hinder the development of this crucial market. This coming in a quote from hydrogen Europe. The quote continues by saying hydrogen Europe fully recognizes the importance and supports the principle of additionality, but has expressed concerns regarding the practical implementation of proposed criteria, not the principle itself.

The task at hand is to find a balance between ensuring green hydrogen is produced from new renewable energy capacity and avoiding excessive constraints in a nascent market. Hydrogen Europe chief executive Jorgo Chatzimarkakis added this is yet another historical day for the hydrogen sector in Europe and globally. He continues to say these binding targets on renewable hydrogen and the creation of a simpler framework, our strong signals from the EU institutions to ensure the scale up of a hydrogen economy and reduce their dependence on hydrocarbons. He said we need to bring production and demand into a right balance. And the new European hydrogen bank is the right instrument under which to do so but others aren’t so pleased arguing that green hydrogen production in the EU could now cannibalize the contents renewable energy which is needed to decarbonize the electricity supply. Trade Association solar power Europe warned that the lack of firm regulation would actually make green hydrogen projects less bankable. And in a quote from Arthur Daimler’s policy adviser on renewable hydrogen for SPE scrapping the additionality rules jeopardizes the adoption of a robust legal definition, which would have ensured that hydrogen electrolyzer deployment does not depend on hydrocarbons. Right now. He says developers have dozens of projects in the pipeline waiting for the clarification of the rules.

The vote today delays the acceleration that Europe needs in order to meet its climate and security goals. While the European Parliament vote means that the Commission can no longer mandate the additionality requirements. individual member states could still choose to enforce them. Okay, so as expected, the additionality rule was voted down. Now I understand the hesitation and voting down this additionality rule, and that Europe is already in an energy crisis. And it’s starting up these hydrogen plants needing to rely on renewable electricity could pull that from other areas that potentially could need it more. And this is an unfortunate consequence from those who treat the energy transition like a light switch. And ultimately, I’m not sure that voting down this additionality requirement will stop money from coming from Europe and reinvesting it in hydrogen projects in the US next, and really some fun news. And something that could really impact the hydrogen industry in the near future is an article from auto week, discussing Hyundai’s new N Vision 74. Now this is a new hydrogen prototype muscle car that Hyundai is showcasing and touting hydrogen fuel cells ability to keep what makes cars fun, but also carbon neutral. Now I’ll just highlight some of the pieces in this article by Mike Duff that highlight hydrogens impact not only to this car and Hyundai, but also potentially the future of automakers.

Mike dust starts off the article by saying the battery electric era is already arriving, but a big question remains over what will follow it. A significant percentage of the auto industry holds the battery EVs will be the long term answer. They are in essence, betting that the issues of range cost finding materials for battery packs, and the challenge of recycling old cells will be answered in time. Yet others believe that battery powered EVs will only be an interim solution, when they will eventually be supplemented by hydrogen power through fuel cells. This is an outer edge stuff. Two of the biggest automakers in the world, Toyota and Hyundai are committed to hugely expensive fuel cell programs, and both have already put hydrogen powered vehicles into limited production. But these cars the Mirai and Nexo respectively, are worthy and unexciting certainly from everything but a technical point of view. Now to meet one that’s not in truth Hyundai’s spectacular N Vision 74 concept isn’t a pure hydrogen car so much as a hydrogen assisted Evie, nor there any plans to put it into production with any type of power plant, but it looks great. It delivers up to 690 horsepower through its rear axle, and it’s fully capable of smoking its back tires while traveling sideways.

There’s also a genuine reason it looks a little bit like a DeLorean DMC 12 and AutoWeek has driven it. Now to pull away here for just a little bit and explain what it is that makes this car so unique. Unlike the Toyota Mirai, which just uses a fuel cell to power an electric motor, the Hyundai blends fuel cells and battery technology in very much the same way Toyota did with the Prius, the fuel cell is used to charge the batteries and then the batteries are used to push the electric motors in the rear. But ultimately, the N Vision 74 fours role is as a proof of higher Hyundai’s commitment to a hydrogen powered future, when that will develop alongside the advanced EVs that the company is already bringing to market and in a quote from Albert Biermann, formerly the group r&d Boss, an instigator of its in Performance Division. Evie is not an interim technology, it will stay out there. It’s clear that for cars Evie is hard to beat.

But his line of thinking is easy. If we want the world to go carbon neutral, we would need millions of tonnes of hydrogen in all aspects of society. And if you do that, it is then no big deal to put that into cars or trucks or buses. He says that he thinks Mr. Putin gives us a very good lesson not to depend on any individual source of energy too much. He continues to say what is the best synergy to grid power? Hydrogen, that’s clear. He says you can store it. You can use it when you need it. You can take it everywhere. It’s like milk and cheese. Milk is like the power from the grid. You use it or it goes off. Hydrogen is like cheese stored energy that lasts it will be part of the future that is unavoidable. Okay, so the reason I included this article in today’s segment is that I know I have a lot of Toyota Mirai fans listening and news like this.

She gets you really excited about the future of automobiles and hydrogen and the hydrogen infrastructure needed to go along with fuel cell derived transportation, because there are leaders in companies like Hyundai and Toyota and investors putting big money behind these companies to push this technology forward. And I really do believe that the amount of attention that Toyota is getting Hyundai is getting BMW and Mercedes Benz are getting around their fuel cell designs. It’s only a matter of time before us model manufacturers start announcing their fuel cell development.

All right. That’s it for me, everyone. If you have a second, I would really appreciate it. If you could leave a good review on whatever platform it is that you listen to Apple podcast, Spotify, Google, whatever it is, that will be a tremendous help to the show. And as always, if you ever have any feedback, you’re welcome to email me directly at And as always, take care. Stay safe. I’ll talk to you later.

Hey, this is Paul. I hope you liked this podcast. If you did and want to hear more. I’d appreciate it if you would either. Subscribe to this channel on YouTube, or connect with your favorite platform through my website at Thanks for listening very much Appreciate it. Have a great day.