THP-E55: One Of The Biggest Refineries In Europe Is Looking To Hydrogen To Decarbonize Its Plant And Could Create A Road Map For Others To Follow Suit. Also, Raven SR and Plug Power Have Exciting News To Share And Investors Should Pay Attention

October 14, 2021 • Paul Rodden • Season: 2021 • Episode: 55

Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast!

In episode 055, Raven SR to begin green hydrogen production in California, plug power to build the largest green hydrogen production facility on the west coast. And INEOS Grangemouth moves forward on the next phase of its journey to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2045. All of us on today’s hydrogen podcast.

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Paul Rodden



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Raven SR to begin green hydrogen production in California, plug power to build the largest green hydrogen production facility on the west coast. And INEOS Grangemouth moves forward on the next phase of its journey to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2045. All of us on today’s hydrogen podcast.

So the big questions in the energy industry today are, how is hydrogen the primary driving force behind the evolution of energy? Where is capital being deployed for hydrogen projects globally? And where are the best investment opportunities for early adopters who recognize the importance of hydrogen? I will address the critical issues and give you the information you need to deploy capital. Those are the questions that will unlock the potential of hydrogen and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Paul Rodden, and welcome to the hydrogen podcast.

So our friends from Raven SR are in the news again. In an article from hydrogen fuel Brett Williams writes that Raven SR is going to begin green hydrogen production in California. The company is backed by both Chevron and Hyzon. We’re making up to 2000 metric tons per year. Republic Services, which is a waste Company announced an arrangement with Raven SR, which is a renewable fuel company for green hydrogen production of up to 2000 metric tons per year. The waste company plans to sell the hydrogen produced to hydrogen fuel cell truck manufacturer, the green hydrogen production will supply Hyzon with the hydrogen it needs as well as commercial fueling stations. Raven SR is moving forward with this agreement on the heels of a $20 million investment.

Some of Raven’s previously announced plans include the construction of as many as 250 hydrogen hubs with Hyzon this weekend with Republic services processing site, which will be located in Richmond, California. There’ll also be a second site those location has yet to be named. According to the company’s CEO and founder Matt Murdock, the two sites in California will be able to produce enough hydrogen to power an estimated 200 heavy duty trucks every day. Raven, SR produces hydrogen with a system that is currently more expensive than steam methane reforming, that system can handle several waste streams in addition to landfill gas that would otherwise be flared. The company has described this method of producing hydrogen as being cleaner than steam methane reforming. Furthermore, Murdoch stated that he anticipates that this will change as they scale up the technology. Murdock’s goal is to achieve cost competitiveness without policy drivers pointing to Texas as a target market in which he’d eventually like to move. Texas is used as a highly promising market for renewable energy. He wants to companies hydrogen production, to be adaptable to a spectrum of financial arrangements, Hyzon’s goal will be to use the fuel from the green hydrogen production for regional halls made using its hydrogen powered trucks. This steady fuel generation can help keep the trucks running without concern over supply interruptions or availability.

So some interesting new insights in this article. And while I’ve covered some of this before, it’s important to note that Republic services was the first company to announce the arrangement with Raven. And there’s also something important to note, this article states that Raven produces hydrogen in a system that is currently more expensive than steam methane reforming. And my assumption is that that means without carbon capture and storage, and also not taking into account any government subsidies, and taking those two factors into account, I would imagine that their hydrogen production costs are around the $2 metric. Next plug power to build largest green hydrogen production facility on the west coast. On a press release on September 20. Plug power a leading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the Global Green hydrogen economy is expanding its green hydrogen ecosystem to the west coast of the United States with the construction of a new state of the art production facility in Fresno County, California.

As the largest green hydrogen production facility on the west coast, the plant will produce 30 metric tons of liquid green hydrogen daily serving customers from San Diego to Vancouver. The facility will use a new 300 megawatt zero carbon solar farm to power 120 megawatts of plug power is state of the art PEM electrolyzers, which split water into hydrogen and oxygen through an electro chemical process. The California plant joins the company’s growing national network of plants in New York, Tennessee and Georgia. They’ll supply 500 tons of liquid green hydrogen by 2025. Replacing 4.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 1000 tons per day globally by 2028. When fully built, the network of plants in United States will offer transportation fuel to customers that is price competitive with diesel. Plug powers investment in green hydrogen production will contribute to decarbonizing light duty vehicles, freight transportation and logistics operations and supports California’s leading role in developing hydrogen as a zero emission fuel.

The project includes construction of a new tertiary wastewater treatment plant in the city of Mendota, they’ll provide recycled water for the people of Mendota and supply the fuel needs of the plant, and pending environmental and construction permitting approvals the plant will break ground in early 2023 and complete commissioning in early 2024. According to Andy Marsh, CEO for plug power, plug power is fully committed to green hydrogen future and is investing heavily in building a green hydrogen ecosystem to support our customers efforts to achieve their sustainability goals. California is leading the world in adoption of green hydrogen and renewable energy. Plug power is proud to be part of that transition and to support the state’s continued leadership.

This project showcases what can happen when market poll, innovation and public policy intersect privately financed large scale zero carbon hydrogen transportation fuel that creates jobs in a key region, Fresno California. This is according to Dee Dee Myers, senior adviser to Governor Newsome and director of the governor’s office of Business and Economic Development, we commend plug power for investing in a clean and sustainable future in California and beyond. Plug power has a long standing commitment to fuel cell technology. With this project, they’re taking an innovative, sustainable and low impact approach to provide in state renewable hydrogen. This is according to CARB Executive Officer Richard W. Corey. This will help support the state’s target of carbon neutrality by 2045 or sooner and continue to transition the transportation sector out of petroleum, including trucks that carry freight and cargo. This will benefit our most impacted communities, including those located near ports, rail yards and distribution centers.

And in a quote from Mendota Mayor, Rolando Castro, this project is a huge win for the city of Mendota, we are very happy to see this significant investment in clean energy in our community. This green hydrogen plant will provide full time high paying jobs for our people. The city will also get a new wastewater treatment plant to provide recycled water for the city and all the needs of the hydrogen plant. So again, great news for furthering the infrastructure in the United States for hydrogen. And while I understand very much the location choice by plug power to go to California, I would love to see other companies like plug power, investing in infrastructure in other developed regions, such as Texas, New York and Illinois. And lastly, in a press release on September 22. INEOS Grangemouth moves forward on the next phase of its journey to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2045. With further investment in excess of 1 billion pounds, INEOS Grangemouth has on September 22, announced plan further investment of over 1 billion pounds towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions at its site to net zero by 2045. Building on the 37% reduction in net co2 emissions already delivered since acquiring the site in 2005.

INEOS has already committed over 500 million pounds spent on the project which are approved and currently being implemented at Grangemouth. This includes investment in their new energy plant, which is due for completion in late 2023. It will supply energy to all their site operations, and the highly efficient technology will drive down emissions by at least 150,000 tonnes of co2 yearly. The announcement includes in excess of a further 1 billion pounds spent to enable this next phase of the transition to net zero. Their roadmap will deliver a reduction in excess of 60% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Through a series of investments, partnerships, and innovative engineering, the roadmap involves a move to the production and use of hydrogen by all businesses at the Grangemouth site accompanied by carbon capture and storage of at least 1 million tons per year of co2 by 2030. This will include capturing co2 from existing hydrogen production, and the construction of a world scale carbon capture enabled hydrogen production plant. additional contributions to drive down emissions will come from further investments in energy reduction, and optimization, along with electrification of key equipment.

There will also be a shift in their polymer product portfolio to include higher levels of post consumer recycled content, as well as contributing to a growing circular economy. India’s Grangemouth roadmap highlights its commitment to supporting the goals of the Paris accord and helping the Scottish Government in its drive for adjust transition to a netzero economy. So why is this announcement important? Well, if you don’t know Grangemouth is an integrated refinery and petrochemical center located in Scotland. It’s not just a center. It’s one of the biggest refineries in Europe, and is home to Scotland’s only crude oil refinery. And so this announcement to focus on hydrogen as a way to decarbonize their plant is big news. And I fully expect other refineries in Europe to follow suit.

Alright, that’s it for me everyone. you have any questions, comments or concerns about today’s episode, come and visit me at my website at and let me know. I would really love to hear from you. And as always, take care. Stay safe. I’ll talk to you later.

Hey, This is Paul. I hope you liked this podcast. If you did want to hear more, I’d appreciate it if you would either subscribe to this channel on YouTube, or connect with your favorite platform through my website at Thanks for listening. I very much appreciate it. Have a great day.